Monday, 7 July 2008
BMW, Munich
On 07/07 we visited BMW in Munich, no photos from the guided tour (top secret). I liked the automation robots the most. They were the coolest!
Our tour guide was from North Germany and he had problems pronouncing "engineer" in German. He said "Injenjör" instead. That was quite funny. Reminds me of my granny (also from North Germany) who says "yeans, yob" instead of "jeans, job".
Before BMW we went to the famous Munich Hofbräuhaus. I didn't find it to be anything special. And the waiters were very unfriendly.
Some selected photos of that day


BMW in Munich

Posted by mer-q-ree at 00:26
c'est moi
- 27 years old
- engineer
- Gemini
- Eurasian (German/Korean)
= 50% European, 50% Asian, 100% Kyureean
last locations:
current location:
next location: Berlin, Portugal
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