Saturday, 3 May 2008
the foreboding
back in Berlin there were already signs...

Milk from Lake Constance (Bodensee). Seen in a shop on the platform of Berlin subway station "Zoologischer Garten" (U9)

"Nett hier. Aber waren Sie schon mal in Baden-Württemberg?" - "It's quite nice here. But have you ever been to Baden-Württemberg?"
Labels: Baden-Württemberg, Bodensee, Bodenseemilch, Bus, BVG, Milch, Tourismus
Posted by mer-q-ree at 11:27
c'est moi
- 27 years old
- engineer
- Gemini
- Eurasian (German/Korean)
= 50% European, 50% Asian, 100% Kyureean
last locations:
current location:
next location: Berlin, Portugal
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