Wednesday, 2 July 2008
knights dinner
In Aulendorf (beyond Ravensburg, seen from Friedrichshafen) we had a knights dinner. Though called "Ritteressen" in German we didn't get to eat any knights... but we had to eat w/ our bare hands (and a knife). We even had a bard who talked like in the old times. Some guests also had to interact in little games. There was a big bread, a soup and lots of meat.
Thou shall see in the photos

Labels: Aulendorf, dinner, knight, Ritteressen
Posted by mer-q-ree at 23:44
c'est moi
- 27 years old
- engineer
- Gemini
- Eurasian (German/Korean)
= 50% European, 50% Asian, 100% Kyureean
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