Thursday, 22 May 2008
from the nursery to the attic
Chris, the American exchange student at the
[Zeppelin University], went back to the United States (for ten days, then he will go to Taiwan for an internship), that means I could finally move into the room I'm actually renting. Bye-bye, Kinderzimmer! I prefer my attic room eventhough it's smaller.
Let me share some photos of my room

^ bed and "sofa"
(I call the cushion on the floor my sofa)

apparently enough space for aaaaall my stuff!
Since the viper was only borrowed from my landlord, I bought Chris' bike, blanket and soap for 55€. After his departure, though, I saw he left some more things he couldn't take w/ him. I found water (Volvic), juice, body creme, more blankets, a lock for the bike (already got one), a hell of a lota q-tips, a lighter, some cents, stamps, a shoebox (the Converse one, I use it to put in items), ketchup, a beer (Corona) and... two boxershorts

one of which is a leopard boxershort... I kid you not.
Last Monday the students organization at the company had a barbecue at the Canoe Club , unfortunately not enough ppl wanted to take part in the
[dragon boat] competition but I think my office will have one in July or so.
The barbecue was yummy. We were supposed to bring our own "Wecken", that's the local term here for "Brötchen" (bun, bread roll). I nearly said "Schrippen" though when I bought them cos the Fin (see below) and I talked about the different words in German dialects for it. I had never heard "Wecken" before, I only knew "Semmeln" (Bavarian).
Anyways, I think the "Wecken" here are much better (and on top of it cheaper) than then "Schrippen" in Berlin.
The last thing I will post for today is a photo of a big 'Männerfreundschaft'

mechanical engineering student from Braunschweig and the half-Finnish (half-German) intern from my division

aaaw, how romantic, the two at the lake

The Fin called me a paparazz'i' and the Braunschweiger said I was affiliated w/ the Mossad for taking this exclusive photo...
will probably post again soon. Today's a holiday here in BaWü and I have tomorrow off, too. I spent more than 2h writing a covering letter. Tomorrow I will have my picture taken and go shop for 'business clothes', or...?
I'm all alone at home, Chris is gone, my German flatmate is in Heidelberg (his home) and my landlord is visiting his brother somewhere near Stuttgart. So it's only me and the daddy longlegs (Weberknecht).
Posted by mer-q-ree at 21:08
c'est moi
- 27 years old
- engineer
- Gemini
- Eurasian (German/Korean)
= 50% European, 50% Asian, 100% Kyureean
last locations:
current location:
next location: Berlin, Portugal
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22 May 2008 at 22:48
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